Front and Backscripts During Development

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Fri Jul 15 13:42:53 EDT 2016


You have a text only stack/script/lib that you are editing, either in a text editor or in LC script editor.

This file was previously saved on disk and is auto loaded into the backscript on start up. So now you are continuing work in "sesson 2"   changes in the script will not be reflected in the backscript, because they are only made on disk.

So you have to create a button or some utility (message box fails 50% of the time right now in 8.1) to fire a preopenstack handler that may have your "kickoff":

put ( getPathForSharedLibraries() & "/backscripts/itemMetadataParser.livecodescript") into tMediaParser

insert the script of stack tMediaParser into back

every time you make a change, if you want to test…

Question is: is the stack script replaced in the backscript? or do we start to duplicate it everytime we insert into back?

Also, how can one inspect the backscript?

put backscript

returns nothing


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