Script Only Stacks and Script Locals

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Fri Jul 15 00:21:26 EDT 2016

yet to be tested, but interested in caveats

assume script only stack(s)

script "backScriptOne" "  #saved text only as "backScriptOne.livecodescript"

with script locals:

local sMediaMetadata

# more functions
# save to disk
# call and insert into back script

am I correct that now "sMediaMetadata" is a live script local that is private to all functions in backscript?

i.e not a globals as such, but still available to any other stack commands or functions that may be inserted into back?

i.e. if we insert another lib

script "someBackScriptTwo"  #saved text only as "backScriptTwo.livecodescript"

will sMediaMetadata

be available for commands and functions in backScriptTwo.livecodescript

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