LC & robotics anyone ?

Roger Eller roger.e.eller at
Wed Jul 13 09:48:34 EDT 2016

This robot is old, and they don't make it anymore, but I have it, and have
successfully driven it with LiveCode (when it was Revolution).

The ER1 has a built-in UI for programming it, but it also has a telnet
interface.  I found an old MetaCard stack that I modified to send
the ER1 commands like "move forward 3 feet", "turn left 30 degrees", move
backward 6 inches", "say Hello there human".  It was great fun!


On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 9:02 AM, jbv <jbv at> wrote:

> Hi list
> Has anyone made experiments with LC as front end for programming / driving
> any robotic system ?
> What I have in mind is something like the logo turtle from the early 80s,
> but with some of those cheap robotic kits... This is for my nephew, to
> introduce him to coding via an immediate and pleasant application.
> Thanks in advance
> jbv

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