the defaultFolder in standalones: Changed in 8

Devin Asay devin_asay at
Tue Jul 12 18:02:06 EDT 2016

I just noticed this change today as I was moving a project to LC 8.

On Mac OS X, in v. 7 and earlier when you saved a stack as a standalone, the defaultFolder would be set to the folder containing the .app bundle; e.g., /Users/me/myproject.

In v. 8 when you save a stack as a standalone the defaultFolder is set to the app bundle itself; e.g., /Users/me/myproject/

I have often used the pre-8 behavior to allow my standalone to easily access files in the enclosing folder. V. 8 breaks that functionality.

So is this a bug or a feature? I usually read the release notes pretty closely, but don’t remember reading about this change? It can potentially break lots of projects like it did mine. (Although I can pretty easily come up with a workaround.)

The main question is, was this an intentional change or a regression bug?


Devin Asay
Office of Digital Humanities
Brigham Young University

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