Application Transport Security deadline for iOS apps

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Mon Jul 11 09:42:21 EDT 2016

On 11/07/2016 13:25, Paul Dupuis wrote:
> I truly hope someone sues them over such
> censorship on 1st amendment (freedom of speech) grounds.

According to my recollection of judicial precedent, the 1st Amendment of 
the US Constitution enjoins state and federal from prior restraint of 
speech, and does not constrain individuals or private sector 
organisation.  So Apple, by definition, can't violate the 1st Amendment 
even if they wanted to.

Just supposing that someone did sue Apple, and the case didn't get 
immediately thrown out on procedural grounds, we live in a climate where 
unscrupulous service providers and other middlemen are intercepting 
insecure HTTP connections and inserting adverts or even malware, and 
sniffing passwords and other authentication tokens.

If taken to court, I expect Apple would show evidence of the above and 
argue that they are taking much-needed steps to ensure users' security 
and safety, by making sure that the data the user receives is the same 
as the data that was sent, and that sensitive data cannot be sent over 
easily-intercepted links.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

LiveCode 2016 Conference:

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