Front and Back Scripts on Mobile

Ralph DiMola rdimola at
Tue Jul 5 21:30:17 EDT 2016

Richard Gaskin wrote:
why isn't it in the tin?

Maybe there should be a "MobileNative" property on a field. If set to true
then all that stuff we've talked about would be invoked. Setting the
vscrollbar to true would create the native scroller. When a field is not
locked(for input) then only a limited subset of the field object would be
available for native input. Or the more I think about it 2 properties
"MobileNativeInput" and "MobileNativeOutput" to allow read-only native
fields might be more appropriate. In the beginning all this fuss to make a
mobile scroller got LC mobile off the ground, but it seems to me that it's
time to fold it into the LC field object.

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at

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