Controls on mobile apps - am I missing something?

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Mon Jul 4 07:25:06 EDT 2016

On 02/07/2016 15:46, Mark Waddingham wrote:
>> I'm really hoping (though I'm not clear if this is true or not) that
>> the Native Field Object is not implemented as another new widget but
>> as a new presentation of the LiveCode field object. A new widget would
>> obviously be better than the using the mobileControlxxx functions
>> (themselves a welcome addition); but even better if we can drag a
>> field onto a stack, and have it work appropriately and according to
>> expectation on all platforms.
> Well, unfortunately, you will be disappointed in the first instance, but only
> because there is a logical and obvious path to achieving what you are talking
> about, and what everybody would really like.

A quick question in regard to the NFO. The page describing the stretch goal 
says that LC will:

 > Write a widget which works just like every other engine control, but when 
run on Android and iOS presents a native input control.

An obvious question is what will that widget present on Windows and Mac? Will 
it be some sort of field-like thing? Or a box with a label "on mobile this 
will be a field"?

I can understand why it might be the latter. If it was the former, then this 
may make me not too disappointed in the first instance, if it means a 
lowest-common-denominator field that may not have all the richness of the 
classic LC field, but works reasonably well, within its limitations, on all 


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