Applying scripts that don't compile

Monte Goulding monte at
Sat Jul 2 20:38:13 EDT 2016

> On 3 Jul 2016, at 10:12 AM, Mark Wieder <mwieder at> wrote:
> Hmmm.
> I guess I've gotten so used to the way glx2 works, where saving a stack and applying/compiling a script are separate actions, that I didn't realize the IDE's script editor conflated the two. That seems wrong.

Saving and setting the script *are* definitely separate actions in the IDE.

I've tweaked my patch a little so that:

	• the new behavior is only for IDE scripts
	• the same dialog that appears when closing an unapplied tab or the editor with unapplied scripts is presented
	• in the event that the user wants to save a work in progress on IDE scripts (there are many that won't break the IDE) then they can force apply from that dialog due to pIgnoreErrors being true
	• because the status of the script is error rather than applied the icon on the tab is (and was in the previous commit) red and errors are displayed so it is clear that the script is not applied (green) or modified unapplied (yellow).

I actually think this new IDE behavior would work well in all cases. The only significant hurdle would be crashes while sorting out compile errors but we would like to avoid them regardless…

The script editor save handling probably needs some sorting out as at the moment it will appear to save but the erroring script won’t be applied. I’m looking into that now. I think in the event the script application couldn’t happen it should beep at you or something rather than save.



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