Applying scripts that don't compile

Mark Waddingham mark at
Sat Jul 2 16:07:12 EDT 2016

On 2016-07-02 21:48, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> It is possible to save the stack with the script editor frontmost, and
> the uncompiled script will be set and saved as-is. I've done that by
> accident and, as you say, all the handlers disappeared from the
> handler list, meaning it was set during the save. I've only done that
> once, but it did cause some issues which is why I'm learning toward
> Monte's suggestion.

I think the behavior of the IDE here needs some work - as Quitting with 
unapplied changes in the script editor *also* isn't 'safe' (in the same 
vein as your example) either.

One way to perhaps improve this would be to have it work as follows:

If a stack is to be saved, and it has unapplied changes to a script 
sitting in a script editor, the relevant script editor should pop up a 
dialog to ask the user what they want to do with the unsaved changes.

That way, if you quit with a stack with unapplied changes you'd see 

    1) Dialog on script editor - "Do you want to apply the changes before 
saving?" - Apply, Don't Apply, Cancel Save.

    2) Dialog on stack which has modifications - "Do you want to save the 
stack before quitting?", Save, Don't Save, Cancel Quit.

This would mean that the user would get informed about each 'pending' 
change and be given an explicit chance to choose what to happen.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ mark at ~
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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