Mac app compiled on Windows does not want to start

Klaus major-k klaus at
Fri Jul 1 11:49:29 EDT 2016

Hi Mike,

> Am 01.07.2016 um 15:54 schrieb Mike Bonner <bonnmike at>:
> Yeah, sounds like it lost the correct permissions during the transfer to
> the mac.  

obviously, any way to prevent this?

> you can either chmod 755 <executablefile>

thanks, that was it, it is running fine now :-)

> I think you have to go into the app package and hit the actual executable,
> don't think it will work on the app package itself.  (You can probably also
> set the permissions using finder.. go to where the app package is located,
> bring up the context menu and show the package contents, then drill down
> through contents/MacOS to locate the binary, get the context menu for the
> file and get info and from there, set the permissions. (for everyone,
> probably read and execute, not write.)
> Sorry for kinda glossing over all this.  I can't get on a mac mac at the
> moment, so I can't give exact steps.

I already managed it, thanks for the final hint!



Klaus Major
klaus at

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