Monte Goulding's day off? ; -) the outcome.

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Fri Jul 1 04:26:13 EDT 2016

On 01/07/2016 08:58, Mark Waddingham wrote:
>   1) Any JSON parser usable from LiveCode Script (right now) should just
> return all values as strings - it should check they are well-formed as
> per the JSON spec, but not actually attempt to convert or process them
> as the engine is more than capable of doing that for you. (Except for
> quoted values in JSON - they need to be 'unescaped').

This approach is pretty problematic from the point of view of the JSON 
library extension shipped with the IDE.  I originally wrote it for use 
from LiveCode Builder, and as such it has to convert JSON values to 
their "correct" LCB types in order to work usefully.

At the moment, the bridging rules from LiveCode Script to LCB types and 
vice versa make the JSON library extension very nice to use from LCB and 
reasonably usable from LCS.

To implement the scheme you describe above, the current JSON extension 
would need to be split into three parts:

- An event-driven lexer/parser module that does no type conversion at 
all but calls a set of callback handlers as it passes through the JSON 

- A module for use from LCB that does LCB type conversion

- A library for use from LCS that doesn't do any type conversion at all

I can probably do that (and keep the API backward-compatible) but it 
seems like a lot of work. :-)


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

LiveCode 2016 Conference:

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