One Rect For All specificaiton

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Tue Jan 26 13:00:12 EST 2016

Interesting… “give us artwork/image 4:3 with 75% interior safe zone” I thinks still works for 5:3 and 16:10. You will just have some of the bleed showing in those ratios.

As for 3:2… that’s a new one on me… got any real number pixel dimensions for that one?

But  getting art/image background to fill is perhaps the least of our issues, now that we understand it. Getting controls to follow the screen edges is the bigger issue.  See my other note on the bug I found for this.

Unless I am missing something (and I miss a lot!) we can’t depend “the rect of this card” to position elements, because if you work in a scaled stack 16:9 at 1200 X 675.. that will be the rect of the card regardless of the actual screen size, so if you use those values to calculate coords, it will not work at all. Setting, e.g. a bottom tab bar “to the height of this card” doesn’t work.

showAll will “pull up/in” but will not “push down/out” to the screen edges

So I think we really need to be sure the screenRect function is getting accurately reported on all devices… It certainly is not in the iOS simulator running from xCode.  Theoretically

put the effective screenRect into tRect
set the bottom of grp “baseControls” to item 4 of tRect

should work. Can anyone else test this on varioius devices and report back? My Nexus 5 is 16 x9 so I can’t see/text any other scenario here.

@ Jacqueline & Roger: Are either of you using the screenRect for any positioning methods on your Android apps?

On January 26, 2016 at 6:29:10 AM, Colin Holgate (colinholgate at<mailto:colinholgate at>) wrote:

>>> I wonder how that will translate to Android. I found these aspect ratios
>> <>, listed from most common
>> to least:
>>> 16:9
>>> 5:3
>>> 4:3
>>> 16:10<http://airmail.calendar/2016-01-26%2016:10:00%20HST>
>>> 3:2

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