Setting up for android development on OS X 10.10 - help needed

Terry Judd terry.judd at
Wed Jan 13 19:45:58 EST 2016

Hi all – after a long break from developing for Android I need to get up and running again but seem to be getting nowhere. I have all the Android sdk stuff installed and updated and installed Java but when I go to configure things in LC it accepts the location of the Android SDK root folder but the JDK path stays empty. I can build an app ok but even the simplest one will immediately crash (on the simulator – I’m still trying to get my device to show up on the target list).

A search of the forums suggests that the empty path thing this is a known issue( from some months ago) and a post (reply) from Sebastian in late November last year suggested that you need to install the now deprecated Java 6 to undertake Android development in LC. I’d try that if I could only find somewhere to download Java 6 from!

Does anyone have this stuff working on OS X 10.10 (or later) and care to provide some tips on how they got it to work?

Best regards,


Terry Judd  | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Department of Medical Education<>
The University of Melbourne<>
M: 0435 961 594  |  E: terry.judd at<mailto:tsj at>

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