HTML5 update: why it is slow?

Mark Waddingham mark at
Tue Jan 12 04:59:32 EST 2016

On 2016-01-08 21:56, Monte Goulding wrote:
> Using Mark’s example:
> on processThing
>  load url "..." with block pResultCode, pData, pError
>    ---
>  end block
> end processThing
> — OR
> on processThing
>  load url "..." with processThing2
> end processThing
> block processThing2 pResultCode, pData, pError
>  --
> end processThing2

Is the block syntax really any better than just using callbacks?

If you don't have the block inline, then it is the same; if you do then 
things get unwieldy as soon as you want to sequence 3 or more things (I 
tend to find at least).

Ideally, I think all blocking operations would block using 'with with 
messages', and message loops created in this way would run side-by-side 
rather than recursively (the current recursive nature is why you get 
into a lot of trouble with 'get url' if you aren't careful).

In terms of cancellation, then you could imagine that each handler stack 
which is started (all running side-by-side in a co-operative fashion) 
has some sort of easily accessible id (e.g. the task id) which you could 
save and then do something like 'cancel task id ...'. This would cause a 
'cancelled' exception to be generated in the context of that task so it 
could clean itself up.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ mark at ~
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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