Players in HTML5 - ETA for Full Functionality?

Terry Judd terry.judd at
Thu Feb 25 01:28:41 EST 2016

Apologies for hijacking this thread somewhat but Peter could you possibly
comment on the likelihood of clipboard support being added to HTML5 in the
near (or middle) future. I understand there are potential security
concerns around use of the clipboard but it would be good to hear your
thoughts on how these might be accommodated (or not).



On 25/02/2016 5:10 pm, "use-livecode on behalf of Peter TB Brett"
<use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of
peter.brett at> wrote:

>On 25/02/2016 05:59, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
>> So back to my question: is there another way to play media using
>> other means beside a player?
>Not that I'm aware of.
>> I will test the browser widget myself (I'm assuming it will work in
>> an HTML5 standalone.)
>No, the browser widget is not available in HTML5 standalones (and indeed
>actually *can't* be for the time being due to the way that it works).
>I posted recently-ish about the problems making certain types of
>LiveCode features (such as "wait" and the "URL" chunk) work in the HTML5
>engine.  I'm sure you can find the e-mail in the list archives.  Those
>same considerations apply to many of the other yet-to-be-implemented
>If you'd like to see multimedia and network connectivity in Community
>HTML5 standalones, you can speed up their delivery by finding a solution
>to those problems other than "redefine half the LiveCode Script
>language" or "rewrite the entire LiveCode engine".
>You don't need to "bang the drum" about HTML5 Player control support.
>*I KNOW*.  I will implement it as soon as 1) it becomes technically
>possible to do so and/or (2) a developer has time to work on it.
>If you want it sooner: you can accelerate (1) by contributing the open
>source project; and you can accelerate (2) by contributing to the open
>source project or giving us more money (e.g. by buying an HTML5
>deployment license, or by getting a Business license and purchasing
>dedicated developer time).
>By the way, the same considerations apply to all the other "critically
>important feature requests" you so frequently put into the bug tracker,
>                                        Peter
>Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
>LiveCode Open Source Team
>LiveCode 2016 Conference
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