"could not find a valid identity to use for the selected profile"

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at cogapp.com
Fri Feb 19 04:21:17 EST 2016

Gah I missed it. Thank you (for sending it in the first place, and for 
pointing me to it.)


On 18/02/2016 23:34, Scott Rossi wrote:
> Did you catch this thread?  I suspect it might be your issue.
> <http://runtime-revolution.278305.n4.nabble.com/Signing-Identity-Issue-When
> -Building-Standalone-td4701088.html>
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX/UI Design
> On 2/18/16, 3:18 PM, "use-livecode on behalf of Ben Rubinstein"
> <use-livecode-bounces at lists.runrev.com on behalf of benr_mc at cogapp.com>
> wrote:
>> Aaaagh. It was working (I was building an app and deploying it to a
>> device)...
>> now it's not, with the infuriating message from the subject line.  Xcode
>> can
>> still build a (different) app and deploy it to the same device.
>> What's changed in the interim?  I've added some other devices in the
>> Developer
>> Center; nothing else I can think of.
>> This happened before, I don't know how I fixed it - because I flailed
>> around
>> for days, trying many things.
>> Is there a known voodoo dance I can do?  Is there some clean way to reset
>> things and start again? Is there some way to force LiveCode to flush and
>> reload profiles? Or is that not the problem?
>> This is using LC 7.1.1 with Xcode 7.1.1 (rare moment of co-incidence).
>> I've
>> tried using LC 7.1.2 rc 2 with Xcode 7.2, that just adds more other kinds
>> of pain.
>> Please help or send drugs,
>> Ben

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