How to create a hyperlink within a text field?
Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at
Fri Feb 5 08:53:22 EST 2016
On Feb 3, 2016, at 9:20 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:
>> The second is to get the lineoffsets
>> of the link text and scroll to the second occurrence of it.
> With lineOffset you can guarantee that it will be the first line found by
> determining how long your TOC is or on what line the 'body' of your
> information starts within your field and using this as the <linesToSkip>
> parameter.
> select line (lineOffset(tHeading, fld "Interesting stuf", 27) + 3) of fld
> "interesting stuff"
I use the following to get all the lineoffsets of a string in a container. This kind of situation is just one of the useful applications of the function. In this case item 2 of lineoffsets(…) does the job. If you pass true for matchWhole when calling it, then you will only get whole titles, which will work as long as you don't have two identical chapter titles.
function lineOffsets str, pContainer, matchWhole
-- returns a comma-delimited list of all the lineOffsets of str
-- in pContainer
-- if matchWhole = true then only whole lines are located
-- else finds line matches everywhere str is part of a line in pContainer
-- duplicates are stripped out
-- note: to get the last lineOffset of a string in a container (often useful)
-- use "item -1 of lineOffsets(...)"
-- by Peter M. Brigham, pmbrig at — freeware
-- requires offsets()
if matchWhole = empty then put false into matchWhole
put offsets(str,pContainer) into offList
if offList = "0" then return "0"
repeat for each item i in offList
put the number of lines of (char 1 to i of pContainer) into lineNbr
if matchWhole then
if line lineNbr of pContainer <> str then next repeat
end if
put 1 into A[lineNbr]
-- using an array avoids duplicates
end repeat
put the keys of A into lineList
sort lines of lineList ascending numeric
replace cr with comma in lineList
return lineList
end lineOffsets
function offsets str, pContainer
-- returns a comma-delimited list of all the offsets of str in pContainer
-- returns 0 if not found
-- note: offsets("xx","xxxxxx") returns "1,3,5" not "1,2,3,4,5"
-- ie, overlapping offsets are not counted
-- note: to get the last occurrence of a string in a container (often useful)
-- use "item -1 of offsets(...)"
-- by Peter M. Brigham, pmbrig at — freeware
if str is not in pContainer then return 0
put 0 into startPoint
put offset(str,pContainer,startPoint) into thisOffset
if thisOffset = 0 then exit repeat
add thisOffset to startPoint
put startPoint & comma after offsetList
add length(str)-1 to startPoint
end repeat
return item 1 to -1 of offsetList -- delete trailing comma
end offsets
-- Peter
Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at
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