Release 8.0 DP 14
richmondmathewson at
Fri Feb 5 03:43:02 EST 2016
On 5.02.2016 04:20, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Dr. Hawkins wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 4:14 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> >
> >> "Developer Preview" is not "Stable", but the purpose of a DP is to
> >> allow everyone the opportunity to make sure "Stable" is stable.
> >>
> >> So start testing with v8 today.
> >>
> >> LC is both broad and deep. Testing a new engine version with your
> >> specific project is the only way to ensure that version will meet
> >> your project's specific needs.
> >>
> >
> > Time is an issue here; that's why I'm paying for a commercial product.
> >
> > I've already reduced my law practice to accommodate this; adding
> > testing time for the ext version (with a different file format) would
> > mean cutting into the bone on my income; my kids need to eat.
> Suit yourself.
> I regard testing new software my business relies on as part of the
> ongoing cost of developing and maintaining my products.
> You know better than most that given the combinatorial explosion of
> possible syntax and feature options that it's not possible for anyone
> but you to test the specific combinations your software relies on.
> The rest of us will do some of your testing for you in the course of
> testing our own work, and if you're in a gambling mood you're free to
> bet on the possibility that how we use LC is exactly the same as how
> you use it.
> Personally, I wouldn't take that bet myself, but I'm not much of a
> gambler.
I'm not a gambler either. But I do know one thing:
Despite my periodic "snotty patches": LiveCode has always delivered when
it comes
to stable releases. If one wants to run at the front of the pack (i.e.
developing with
Developer previews) then one really shouldn't be that surprised when one
stubs one's toe.
Considering that I donated 80 pounds (that's about 120 bucks US) to the
Kickstarter project
I believe I have got damn good value ever since.
Parenthetically . . . re my "snotty patches" . . . you can think of
those as the histrionic outbursts of
someone who is a bit too emotionally attached to LiveCode if you want :-*
I am absolutely sure that when LiveCode 8 comes to fruition it will make
all that has gone before
look very inferior. A while back I characterised LC 8 as where LiveCode
really escapes its HyperCard
ancestry and becomes very much its own beast: the ape comes down from
the trees . . . I do believe
that, and that a spot of patience will reap dividends. AND, while we are
waiting the thing to do is to keep developing with stable releases (6 &
7) and bug test 8 and keep the feedback going (even
"snotty" feedback if necessary).
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