Can't Get LC Server to fire

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Thu Feb 4 17:00:13 EST 2016

A bit OT because this seems to be something to do with the web server config

for CGI that runs livecode-community-server  (Linux 64 on Ubuntu 14) we typically use a full path to the engine like this if the script is inside the cgi-bin

put the keys of $_SERVER into tCGIVars
    repeat for each line x in tCGIVars
        put x & ": " &  $_SERVER[x] & ("<br />"& cr) after tGlobals
    end repeat
put "Hello, Livecode Server is Up and Running" & "<br />" & tGlobals

inside the public_html folder you use the .htaccess method  fo setting the actions

AddHandler livecode-script .lc
Action livecode-script /cgi-bin/livecode-community-server

put the keys of $_SERVER into tCGIVars
    repeat for each line x in tCGIVars
        put x & ": " &  $_SERVER[x] & ("<br />"& cr) after tGlobals
    end repeat
put "Hello, Livecode Server is Up and Running" & "<br />" & tGlobals

same result… I use this for testing new installs and server upgrades

I just installed Livecode server on our Hinduism Today cloud instance at linode which is running the same version of Ubuntu/apache as our Himalayan Academy site… also on a Linode cloud instance..

But as you can see the engine is no being triggered here:

Nor on public_html

The requested URL /cgi-bin/livecode-community-server/ was not found on this server.

but it works here:
from public-html

exact same script; exact same version of the server, permissions are all an exact match on both instances.  I don’t see anything specific in the httpd directive for the HA site where it works vs the Hinduism Today httpd directives.


I get the same problem using bash

and, I faced and solved this once before but did not document it.. ouch


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