iOS rejection - requesting services

Andrew Bell andrew at
Tue Dec 20 13:28:46 EST 2016

I just downloaded the Orbitz app the other day and saw it had a special 
message about how it used your coordinates when allowing Location 
Services. Didn't know how they changed that message from the default, 
but thought it was cool.

Fast forward to today when Apple rejected my latest app update because 
my app DIDN'T do this. I just had a build approved within the last week, 
and didn't change anything with this but still got rejected today 
(different app reviewers have let interface guideline issues slip in the 
past that I had to fix in subsequent builds). Is this something that 
could be added via LiveCode? I compiled using LC 8.1.1 and Xcode 8.

Begin Rejection Letter From Apple:
Legal - 5.1.5

Your app uses background location services but does not clarify the 
purpose of its use in the location modal alert as required in the iOS 
Human Interface Guidelines.

We've attached screenshot(s) for your reference.

Next Steps

Please revise the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription value in the 
Info.plist to specify the intended purpose of using the user's location 
while the app is in the background.


For additional information and instructions on configuring and 
presenting an alert, see the Requesting Permission section of the iOS 
Human Interface Guidelines and the Information Property List Key 

--Andrew Bell

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