Standalone on 10.6.8 Crash

Dan Friedman dan at
Sat Dec 10 16:15:59 EST 2016

Ok, here’s a weird one...   I make a standalone on my mac (LC Indy 8.1.1, OSX 10.12.1).  Here’ the ENTIRE project:

New Stack
Add 1 button
Set script of button to this:

on mouseUp
   answer “This is a test."
end mouseUp

Now, build standalone.  Everything is fine.  Runs on Mac running 10.6.8, runs on Mac running 10.12.1.

Change the script of the button to this:

on mouseUp
   put url "" into pURL
   answer pURL
end mouseUp

Now, the standalone fails ON LAUNCH.  Doesn’t even open the main stack to click the button.  App runs fine on the 10.12.1 machine, so I doubt it’s a missing inclusion (although the Internet Library is selected and “Select inclusions for the standalone application” selected).  Documentation says 10.6.8 is still supported.

Any thoughts of wisdom?


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