tsNet docs/sample stacks

Skip Kimpel skiplondon at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 13:11:26 EST 2016

There was some discussion awhile back where I first started to get some
information and some links.  I had unresolved questions and issues so I
went to LC tech support and they reached out to the creator of tsNet to
create that demo that I gave a link to.  I was specifically looking for
examples for SFTP operations.


On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Ben Rubinstein <benr_mc at cogapp.com> wrote:

> Thanks both of you... by my real question is how do you know about these
> sample stacks? Is their existence being revealed one by one on a
> need-to-know basis?
> On 01/12/2016 17:06, Skip Kimpel wrote:
>> Here is a nice stack from the creators of tsNet that demonstrates some of
>> the key functionality.  You can grab some code from this stack... I have
>> put it up on my server so you can take experiment with it.
>> http://magicgate.com/files/tsNet_Sample_Sync_Stack.livecode
>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 11:10 AM, Matthias Rebbe <
>> matthias_livecode_150811 at m-r-d.de> wrote:
>> There is at least one other stack available at that location
>>> https://downloads.techstrategies.com.au/tsnet/sample_async_post.livecode
>>> <
>>> https://downloads.techstrategies.com.au/tsnet/sample_async_post.livecode
>>> >
>>> And there was a sample stack from Neill Roger somewhere. I cannot find
>>> the
>>> URL anymore.
>>> Will look over the weekend.
>>> tsNet is so powerful, but there is definitively a need for more sample
>>> stacks.
>>> Matthias
>>> Am 01.12.2016 um 12:12 schrieb Ben Rubinstein <benr_mc at cogapp.com>:
>>>> (I asked this at the end of a chain about email formatting libraries but
>>> I think it got lost.)
>>>> When I asked that question, Matthias referenced this
>>>> https://downloads.techstrategies.com.au/tsnet/LCMail.livecode
>>>> which I didn't know about. Apart from entries in the dictionary, I've
>>> not found any documentation for tsNet; and I can't list the above
>>> directory
>>> to see if there are other sample stacks.
>>>> Did I miss a post with handy pointers, in the great use-list bounce
>>> disaster?
>>>> TIA,
>>>> Ben
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