wouldn't it be neat...

Peter M. Brigham pmbrig at gmail.com
Sun Aug 21 12:26:01 EDT 2016

Sorry, forgot to include the little utility script q():

on q tString
   return quote and tString and quote
end q

The full frontscript then is:


on controlkeydown whichKey
  -- put this in a frontscript universally available in LC
  put the long name of the target into tarName
  put the shiftkey is down into shK
  switch whichKey
     case "'" -- put quotes around the selection
        if not shK then pass controlkeydown
        if "field" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
        if "revNewScriptEditor" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
        -- you could take the above line out if you want this in all LC fields
        get the selection
        put q(it) into the selection
        if it = "" then
           put the selectedChunk into tSel
           put word 4 of tSel into word 2 of tSel
           put (word 4 of tSel) - 1 into word 4 of tSel
           select tSel
        end if
     case "9"
     case "0" -- put parens around the selection
        if not shK then pass controlkeydown
        if "field" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
        if "revNewScriptEditor" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
        -- you could take the above line out if you want this in all LC fields
        get the selection
        put "(" & it & ")" into the selection
        if it = "" then
           put the selectedChunk into tSel
           put word 4 of tSel into word 2 of tSel
           put (word 4 of tSel) - 1 into word 4 of tSel
           select tSel
        end if
     case "["
     case "]" -- put brackets around the selection
        if not shK then pass controlkeydown
        if "field" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
        if "revNewScriptEditor" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
        -- you could take the above line out if you want this in all LC fields
        get the selection
        put "[" & it & "]" into the selection
        if it = "" then
           put the selectedChunk into tSel
           put word 4 of tSel into word 2 of tSel
           put (word 4 of tSel) - 1 into word 4 of tSel
           select tSel
        end if
     case " " -- scriptPaint
        if not shK then pass controlkeydown
        if "field" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
        if "revNewScriptEditor" is not in tarName then pass controlkeydown
        put the mouseText into the selection
     case "d"
        -- insert date
        put the shiftKey is down into wantLongDate
        insertDate wantLongDate
     case "i" -- getPaint
        if not shK then exit controlkeydown
        if the selobj = "" then
           answer "Select an image first."
           exit controlkeydown
        else if word 1 of (the name of the selobj) <> "image" then
           answer "You must select an image."
           exit controlkeydown
        end if
        answer file "Choose replacement image:"
        if it = empty then exit to top
        put url ("binfile:" & it) into the selobj
        pass controlkeydown
  end switch
end controlkeydown

on insertDate getLongDate
  -- control-d inserts short date, control-shift-d inserts long date
  --     see the controlkeydown handler for implementation
  -- note: Windows users can implement this with other modifier keys
  -- put these scripts into a frontscript so it is available anywhere in LC
  -- requires controlkeydown

  put the selectedChunk into selCh
  if selCh = empty then exit insertDate
  put word -1 of selCh into fldNbr
  put word 4 of selCh into theCharNbr
  put the selectedtext into selText
  put length(selText) into origLength
  if getLongDate then
     -- long date
     put sr(item 2 to 3 of the long date) into tDate
     -- short date
     put the short date into tDate
  end if
  put tDate into the selectedchunk
  select after char (theCharNbr + length(tDate) - origLength) of fld fldNbr
end insertDate

on q tString
   return quote and tString and quote
end q


-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at gmail.com

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