Ideas for LiveCode workshops - help needed

Rick Harrison harrison at
Thu Aug 4 10:24:50 EDT 2016

Hi Dave, 

A simple one might be on how to use the new dictionary interface
to find anything one might be looking for.  ;-)

Hope that helps!


> On Aug 4, 2016, at 4:54 AM, Dave Kilroy <dave at> wrote:
> This is a request for ideas for LiveCode workshops
> That is, where one of us is organising a day-long workshop on LiveCode and are looking for a main topic for the day.
> I’m not looking for fully-worked up teaching resources (although that would be nice), but general ideas or topics for the workshop - so that we can say to people, and publicise “come to this LiveCode workshop where we will build …” or “at this LiveCode workshop you will learn how to …”. 
> In the past I’ve done LiveCode workshops where the main idea has been:
> - build a mobile messaging app (that connects to a web service and mysql database)
> - build desktop widgets (little things like an app that watches a folder, using the clipboard etc)
> - learn how to search documents and save notes with LiveCode
> I think my ideal would be to get an idea which is:
> -  a ‘draw’ (afterall I want lots of people to turn up!), something like “learn now to connect to the Pokemon Go! API”
> - doesn’t involve me doing too too much preparation work for the workshop
> - can give a positive experience to participants with differing levels of ability (perhaps by my preparing some partly completed exercises for those who need them) 
> So, ideas and suggestions please!
> Kind regards
> Dave
> PS: my next workshop is on 17th September and I haven’t decided what to go in it <>
> PPS: ask potential participants what the workshop topic should be usually doesn’t help much!
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