Bugs in 8.0.0 RC1 and trying to convince a colleague that LC is *not* flaky

Erik Beugelaar ebeugelaar at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 03:36:26 EDT 2016

This bug is already been answered (and solved I thought) by Monte for a next
Unfortunately I cannot find the email quick now.


-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at lists.runrev.com] On Behalf
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 07:56
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>
Subject: Re: Bugs in 8.0.0 RC1 and trying to convince a colleague that LC is
*not* flaky

I must be stupid, but this makes no sense to me at all:

"Open the script editor and search for some text that doesn't exist"

The thing that surprised me was when, on opening the script editor for a
button LiveCode (err . . . RunRev) went from nothing to "on mouseUp".

And the fact that a script editor contains no text in no way indicates that
an "issue" exists.

This all looks a bit specious.

LiveCode 8 does contain bugs; but then so does Livecode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
and 7, and almost every other piece of software ever produced, for the plain
and simple fact that programmers are not gods, and as such cannot foresee
every little thing on everyone's computer system.

------ Personal wibble starts now --------

I programmed an interactive CD, "Listen Hear", for use in Scottish schools
with Livecode 2 about 13 years ago, and the people who hired me refused to
involve Beta testers, saying it was a waste of time and money.

When the CDs came rolling off the press, there was 1 bug (and nothing very
serious at that); they went to an independent software assessment bunch who
told them that such a complicated bit of work having only 1 bug was
extremely rare and they should be very pleased with it, and that "next time"
they should make sure to do Beta testing.

The silly buggers paid me nothing beyond the initial modest advance and went
and hired a full-blown software team to produce a new version using
Director, which ended up crashing computers.

This is not a "Richmond is marvellous" exercise; this is a "Livecode is
marvellous" exercise.

------ End of personal wibble ----------

Considering that the Livecode people are trying to go from "small potatoes"
to a "whole field of tatties"
in the move from Livecode 7 (which is, despite some window dressing, not
that different from Livecode 4) to Livecode 8, I am surprised that more
things aren't wonky.

Certainly, what I have seen of Livecode on Windows 7 and Linux 32 bit, the
thing is super. The Linux 64 bit needs work - but as this is the teams first
foray into the waters of the
64 bit world that's probably
not surprising.

There are two ways of looking at the potato:

1. Ooh, look, parts of it are rotten.

2. Ooh, look, parts of it are very good.

Well, for starters, there are no rotten potatoes, only bits of a potato that
are a bit squishy.


On 26.04.2016 01:53, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> Better to move on to a guy named Jeff and get him to try Livecode. My
experience is, if someone is looking for ways not to do something, you will
never get them to try.
> Bob S
> On Apr 13, 2016, at 15:18 , RunRevPlanet
<feed at smpcsupport.com<mailto:feed at smpcsupport.com>> wrote:
> Steve, (a programming colleague) to whom I sing the praises of 
> LiveCode to, knows of these bugs. Unfortunately, I expect that when I 
> ask him to give LiveCode another try, when version 8.0.X has a 
> "stable" release, the following will happen.
> He is going to download it. Open the script editor and search for some 
> text that doesn't exist and turn to me with a big grin and say, "Ha! 
> This issue still exists. You want me to have confidence in a tool when 
> a command in the IDE can be so easily broken?"
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