Line 6 of fld "test" works but the target does not

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Sat Apr 23 21:01:39 EDT 2016

On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 2:57 AM, J. Landman Gay <jacque at>

> But it does work on buttons contrary to what the dictionary says.
> That's not what I'm seeing in 7.1.4 rc2 or 8.0 rc1.

New Stack
Drag each of the following controls onto it (not need to name or anything
just leave as is):
Standard btn
Check btn
Radio btn
Default btn
Tab menu
Rectangle btn
Scrolling List fld
Option menu
Pulldown menu
ComboBox menu
PopUp menu
Progress Bar
Little Arrows

In the first button - the Standard btn - put this script: NOTE it's

on mouseDown
   put empty into msg
   repeat with x = 1 to the number of controls
      send "mouseUp" to control x
   end repeat
end mouseDown

Place the following in the Card script: typical mouseUP

on mouseUp
   put the target & cr after msg
   put target & cr after msg
end mouseUp

This is the output I get - which matches the Dictionary:

button "Button"
button "Button"
button "Check"
button "Check"
button "Radio"
button "Radio"
button "Button"
button "Button"
button "Tab Menu"
button "Tab Menu"
button "Button"
button "Button"
field "Scrolling List Field"
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
button "Option Menu"
button "Option Menu"
button "Pulldown Menu"
button "Pulldown Menu"
button "ComboBox Menu"
button "ComboBox Menu"
button "PopUp Menu"
button "PopUp Menu"
scrollbar "Progress Scrollbar"
scrollbar "Progress Scrollbar"
scrollbar "Scrollbar"
scrollbar "Scrollbar"
scrollbar "Scrollbar"
scrollbar "Scrollbar"
scrollbar "Scrollbar"
scrollbar "Scrollbar"
button "Button"
button "Button"

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