How to force a library inclusion in a Standalone?

Paul Dupuis paul at
Thu Apr 21 16:52:28 EDT 2016

On 4/21/2016 4:31 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 4/21/2016 3:13 PM, Paul Dupuis wrote:
>> On 4/21/2016 3:06 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>>> On 4/21/2016 10:08 AM, Paul Dupuis wrote:
>>>> How can I ensure that, when we build the standalone, whatever library
>>>> has the file/folder functions are always included in the
>>>> standalone? Is
>>>> there a library stack containing the revCopyFile, revDeleteFolder,
>>>> etc.
>>>> commands that I can explicitly load and "start using"?
>>> These are part of the revCommon library and are included in every
>>> standalone automatically. You shouldn't need to do anything special to
>>> have access to them, they're always there.
>>> If they aren't working, the library may not have loaded yet. Are you
>>> trying to use the commands before the app is finished starting up,
>>> like in a preOpen-whatever or openWhatever handler? Or are messages
>>> locked when you use them?
>> No the app has fully started up. A menu item is then user selected which
>> loads an external stack from a folder. The loaded external stack loads
>> and functions correctly in all other ways. It makes use of the revZip
>> external that was loaded by the standalone just fine, but when it hits
>> the revDeleteFolder statement - handler not found. The loaded stack
>> functions completely correctly in the IDE so the line with the
>> revDeleteFolder is syntactically and functionally correct.
>> It is only when we build the standalone (under LC676) that
>> revDeleteFolder can no longer be found.
> It's supposed to be inserted into the backscripts. Try adding some
> debugging code after startup is finished:
>    get "revCommonLibrary" is in the backscripts
>    answer "Common library loaded:" && it
> See what it says. If it's false, there may be a bug but I'd test in LC
> 7 before reporting it or at least check the bug database.

Thank you. This was very helpful as I did not know where
revDeleteFolder, etc, was. In any case, ("revCommonLibrary" is in the
backscripts) return false in the standalone (and, of course, true in the

I will test under later versions of 6.7.x, but at the moment we don't
want to move off 676 unless we absolutely have to. I may just check if
the environment is development and if not open and start using
revcommonlibrary.livecodescript and the library to out folder of file
that go with the app.

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