clear recent files list from the menu

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Tue Apr 19 22:12:39 EDT 2016

On 04/19/2016 02:32 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:
> is there a bug number for the corrupt lc 7 prefs issue?

That's possibly
and its duplicates.

The way I get around the LC7/LC8 thing is

1. delete or rename the livecode.rev prefs file
2. start LC8 (creates a new file)
3. close LC8 and start LC6

That way LC8 doesn't import the existing earlier preferences file but 
instead creates a clean version as livecode7.rev, and then the earlier 
versions can create their own version that doesn't interfere.

If LC7/8 creates a livecode7.rev file by importing from livecode.rev 
then you get incompatibilities between 7 and 8.

  Mark Wieder
  ahsoftware at

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