LC7 and 8 - Non responsive processing large text files

Mark Talluto mark at
Thu Apr 14 01:25:11 EDT 2016

> On Apr 13, 2016, at 3:03 AM, Roland Huettmann <roland.huettmann at> wrote:

> But reading something into memory using "read from file <filename> UNTIL
> <string>" and doing this many times over in such large text file creates
> non-responsiveness of LC (tested on 7 and 8).
> So, what do I do?
> One more note: Additionally I find that it can take significant delays when
> placing large blocks of text into a field. Is there an idea of improving
> this?

Hi Roland,

This is more of a curiosity than a solution. What happens if you run your code in LC version 6? Do you still see the same timing issues? 

Version 7/8 are slower than version 6 in almost every way. Here are a couple of bug reports on the issue: <> <>

There are others out there. The team has been trying to make LC 8 more performant though. So our reports are being worked on.

Best regards,

Mark Talluto <> <>

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