Volunteer github guru for documentation submissions?

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 18:49:15 EDT 2016

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 4:30 AM, Devin Asay <devin_asay at byu.edu> wrote:

> - A markdown previewer. I know Ali made a stab at this, but I wasn't able
> to get it to work.

Do you have Ali's latest version of the preview.livecode stack? Sorry I
tried to find a link to it but I can only find one to the previous version.

You know if you have the latest version if;

1) after clicking the 'Preview' button,
2) after it opens the webpage in your Browser which looks like the
3) within the 'hits' field at the top there are two entries:
    a) the top one 'click me first',and
    b) the one below will be the name of the lcdoc you are amending
4) Click on 'Click me first'
5) Then click on the line below which is the name of the lcdoc you are

If you do not have the 'click me first' line then you have an earlier
version of the preview.livecode stack. Might need to ask Ali to post a link.

If that is still not working for you have you tried another Browser?

Works (with known issues) for me on OS X 10.9.5 with Firefox >= 42.x

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