Widgets' Use Cases and Bytes Added to App

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at livecode.com
Tue Apr 5 06:12:46 EDT 2016

On 04/04/2016 23:29, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
> Just putting my little pinky into the widget world.
> Frequently we use small groups to instantiate "objects" which are
> made of of several controls grouped together. These are then
> replicated across some card for whatever purpose. I think that is the
> underlying model for the DataGrid.
> Would such a small group be better created as a widget?

Unfortunately we don't _quite_ have the engine features required to wrap 
a set of "classic" controls into a widget. :-/

> Put another way, can we, in generalized "framework speak" define what
> uses cases best call for a widget and when they are best *not* used?
> In the case of any given widget, if it were is duplicated 50 times.
> Is all that code added X 50  added to the total overhead/size of the
> app? or is a "class" whose code reused and only the content the
> presentation layer is adding the file size?

If you duplicate the widget 50 times, then:

- 50 controls are added to your stack (exactly the same as if you had 
put 50 buttons on your stack)
- One copy of the widget source code and any resources it uses are added 
to your standalone.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at livecode.com>
LiveCode Open Source Team

LiveCode 2016 Conference: https://livecode.com/edinburgh-2016/

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