Design Challenge -- Round Corner mask on images

RM richmondmathewson at
Sun Apr 3 12:57:39 EDT 2016

> Well, for what it's worth: here's a start:

This is "bog basic" in that it does "nothing more" than import the 
image, unite it with a graphic 'frame' and then allow you
to export the end result as a PNG [ Papua New Guinea ?] image.

> Love, Richmond.
> On 3.04.2016 00:02, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
>> RM: Your "why bother"  assumes a) we work in teams of one in solitude 
>> or something like that.

Well, to be honest, that's me in case you hadn't worked that out 
donkey's ages ago.

>> OR b) you have experienced talented "workers" in image process.

I tend to show my stacks to the Primary school kids who have the signal 
advantage of knowing almost nothing about programming
or how computers work: they then, oddly enough, come up with all sorts 
of criticisms and comments which make me go away and think things
through - mainly because of wisdom "out of the mouths of babes" [sorry, 
non-Hindu scripture there].

>> In a distributed work environment,  the options to pre-process images 
>> prior to getting them into LiveCode is often zero.

Of course the obvious question at this point is "why use a distributed 
work environment?"

>> So...when the only resources you have are square, ordinary images, 
>> having such a library in Livecode can be hugely helpful... add to 
>> that, the use case may be multiple images over many cards ( or set 
>> for whatever purpose), making an LC library/process that can loop, 
>> way, way more efficient than doing these in GIMP of Photoshop, unless 
>> you want to go through the headached of setting up and recording 
>> actions etc.

Well, my stack will NOT work its way through a bunch of images on 
another stack [too much bother, and probably either beyond my 
capabilities, or
beyond my motivational ceiling.

Of course [ !!!! ] it should be comparatively easy to use my stack as a 
starting point for a batch-processor for a folder of images . . .

That would, obviously, mean that you could not set each images amount of 
corner-roundedness individually.

>> I have in house app functions where, sure, we could do the same thing 
>> in another X, Y, Z application, but certainly not with the same 
>> efficiency and certainly not by someone with zero skill set in 
>> applications X,Y,Z.
>> I have volunteers to work on sets of 3000 + images with Livecode 
>> where the idea of "why bother, you can do this in GIMP/Photoshop"  
>> verges on madness (smile).

"madness" ? who said madness? Now, now, control yourself or we'll be 
reaching for the straitjacket . . .

I suppose a batch-processor written in Livecode could chew its way 
through 3000 images in about 9000 seconds = 2 and a half hours, without any
human intervention beyond the first minute.

>> On April 2, 2016 at 5:44:11 AM, Alejandro Tejada 
>> (capellan2000 at<mailto:capellan2000 at>) wrote:
>> RM wrote
>>> Why bother? Frankly the process is no more difficult using
>>> GIMP: or
>>> Photoshop:
>>> and there are quite a few other image editing software packages
>>> available that can do that job as well.
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