Set Text to the Vertical Center of the field
Ralph DiMola
rdimola at
Sat Apr 2 20:52:13 EDT 2016
This is working for me but does fall apart when the field gets very small.
Also the font baselines change from Windows to both iOS and Android. Bug
12176 I have had many many variations of this task and this one is the best
I've found so far but I digress, I think there's bug because if the Yoda's
of LC can't get it right.... it's a bug.
Command CenterVert Obj -- for any control
Local tMargins , tHeight , tFheight , tSpace
put (0,0,0,0) into tMargins
put item 1 of the margins of obj into item 1 of tMargins
put item 3 of the margins of obj into item 3 of tMargins
catch SomeError
exit CenterVert -- Can't get margins?... do nothing
end try
put the height of obj into tHeight
put the effective formattedheight of char 1 to -1 of obj into tFheight
--for fields. Note the EFFECTIVE.
catch SomeError
put the formattedheight of control obj2 into tFheight -- for
catch SomeError
exit CenterVert -- Can't get the text height?... do nothing
end try
end try
if tFheight < tHeight then -- make top/bottom margins 0 if text is
put tHeight - tFheight into tSpace
put trunc(tspace/2) into tspace -- This trunc seemed to help at
put tspace into item 2 of tMargins
put tspace into item 4 of tMargins
end if
set the margins of Obj to tMargins
end CenterVert
Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at
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