Set Text to the Vertical Center of the field

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sat Apr 2 14:34:00 EDT 2016

Ive tried several of the methods discussed here and one of my own, and 
while some work at some field heights they break at others.

I didn't use fixedLineHeight because that shouldn't be needed; indeed I 
can imagine many cases in which a field may have different sizes of 
text, so we need a solution that allows that.

IMNSO if this can't be done in three lines using Jacque's method it's a bug.

   put the formattedheight of line 1 to -1 of me into tTotalTextHt
   put ( ( the height of me - tTotalTextHt ) / 2) into tTopMargin
   set topmargin of me to tTopMargin

Logically that should work regardless of text size or fixedLineHeight.

Can anyone here think of a reason it might not be considered a bug?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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