Two mobile audio issues

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Sep 24 21:58:46 EDT 2015

I have a native mobile player playing audio files. There are two issues 
on Android and iOS:

The sound stops when the device sleeps. I see we can set the idle timer 
but that prevents sleeping entirely (and I'm not sure how persistent it 
is.) How would I keep the sound on during sleep?

I want the player to show and remain visible until I hide it. On 
Android, the OS does not display the player until you tap on it, and 
users won't know where it is; there is no visual indication. If you do 
hit the right spot, the OS fades it away again after a few seconds. Is 
there a way to keep the controller in view at all times? Android appears 
to be treating it like a movie, where you tap the video to see the 
controller -- but this is audio-only and there is no video frame. Even 
though the visible property is set to true, there is nothing on screen 
until you tap in the right place, and then only briefly.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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