Linux software suggestions

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Sep 23 00:38:39 EDT 2015

Mark Wieder wrote:
 > On 09/22/2015 01:26 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
 >> Unfortunately, the weakest part of my Linux experience is LiveCode.
 >> Because it's unique I still use it, but of all the Linux software I
 >> use it's the least polished and most error-prone.
 > LC 6.7.7 is so far the most stable on linux.

Even v6.7 has its issues.  For example, I haven't been able to use LC to 
deliver presentations at conferences for many versions, at least 6.4 but 
maybe earlier, as fullScreen has had a wide range of issues - here's one 
of the outstanding ones:

I've felt a big awkward at UbuCon presenting LC 7 but having to run my 
presentations in a much older version because it's not possible to 
fullscreen in the latest build.  Fortunately no one noticed the careful 
switcheroo between my presentation and my demo; it would have been more 
awkward to have to explain why I keep so many versions of LC on my drive.

 > Unfortunately it's soon to be end-of-lifed, so we'll be stuck with
 > the 8 series. But I have faith that someday the team will stop adding
 > new "features" and start making things work again.

I know Fraser's been working on the clipboard issues on Linux, so 
hopefully in a new build soon I'll be able to copy code examples and 
paste them directly into the forums or an email to this list without 
having to first paste them into Gedit, then copy again, and then paste 
where I want it to go.

And they're aware of most of the others I've reported, some of which 
have seen some activity beyond "Confirmed", so fingers crossed for 7.2....

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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