Setting play SoundFile or play Empty Too Quickly Causes Crash in iOS

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Sep 12 00:07:17 EDT 2015

On 9/11/2015 6:06 PM, Brahmanathaswami wrote:
> I have the following behavior running in a series of buttons that play
> audio which is local to the app.
> They work fine on the desktop (OS X) but in iOS  if I click on any
> button too soon, the app crashes.
> I've done some  tests and I have to wait at about 5.5 seconds  before
> clicking again, if we allow the app to have this time... then it does
> not crash.
>    This "must wait" delta  is more than users would want to experience.

Do you have to show a player and controller? If not, you might have 
better luck with mobilePlaySoundOnChannel. You can pass empty as a 
parameter to the channel to stop the playback. And if reloading the same 
channel with a new sound isn't quick enough, you can always just play 
the next sound on a different channel.
Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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