Release: 8.0 DP4... also, HTML5

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Tue Sep 1 07:28:52 EDT 2015

On 01/09/2015 12:16, derbrill IT-Service wrote:
> This looks rather promising!
> I tested a couple of AE things zesterdaz, but unfortunatelz mz Laptop died a
> horrible death. As I am currentlz on the road, I can not upload the stuff I
> tried, but it was really ok. :-) A question though. Peter mentionened no
> external support. Does that mean no XML? If so that would be reallz a shame.
> Also, right now get is supported. Will POST also be supported in the final
> release?

Hi Malte!

To address the points in order:

1) Yes, that means no XML at the moment.  However, most browsers have 
built-in XML support.  So *in theory* it would be possible to use it. 
We would probably do that by adding support for LiveCode Builder to 
HTML5, then adding support for calling JavaScript code to LiveCode 
Builder, and then adding a LiveCode Builder library that uses the 
browser's XML support to provide the revxml extension's interface.  So, 
quite some way to go still...

2) Yes, POST *should* be supported in the LiveCode 8 stable release.  I 
can't guarantee it though.  It depends how far we get.  We plan to 
continue to improve the HTML5 engine on an ongoing basis!


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Open Source Team

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