HTML5 test

BNig bernd.niggemann at
Tue Sep 1 06:10:48 EDT 2015

Hi Colin,

seeing your example I just took a stack I posted on livecodeshare
and knowing nothing about HTML I just made a HTML5 standalone

It worked surprisingly well. Amazing, just converting it to HTML5 was only
compile time.

The stack lets you pick a color from the bottom pane and then this color
sticks to the cursor and you move it to the top pane to match the color and
click again. Then you either have a hit or a miss. Counter work.
The interface (sticking color square) was intended for touch devices.
The 3 right sided sliders let you adjust the colors to make it more
difficult/easier. Just play with them.
Some elements like buttons/sliders don't look quite right but basically it
Tested in Safari.

here is the link to the HTML5 version
Kind regards


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