SGV and FE funding of widgets

Mark Waddingham mark at
Fri Oct 30 12:22:16 EDT 2015

On 2015-10-30 14:26, Matt Maier wrote:
> If it turns out that you can return a "normalized" SVG path does that 
> mean
> we might be able to do some vector operations in script. Like
> separating/joining two different shapes/paths, or adjusting the control
> points of a shape?

I meant to actually put a footnote into that post to explain what 
normalized meant in this context...

SVG paths have various commands which are not part of the 'standard' 2d 
vector path model - in particular arcs and relative commands. The code 
we have parses them all, but they get 'normalized' to 
moveto/lineto/quadcurveto/cubiccurveto/closepath thus setting an svgpath 
and getting it again will not necessarily roundtrip.

Anyway, in terms of your actual question - you will be able to 
manipulate the svg paths as strings - so you'll be able to build paths 
up out of subpaths, and modify elements of them (by modifying the 
string) certainly.

In terms of 'vector operations' - if you mean things like union / 
intersection / difference of paths then that is a lot harder. That being 
said, I do think Skia has added some 'PathOps' abilities for such things 
which we can look into leveraging. It would be nice to be able to do 
things like:

   union svg path tFoo with svg path tBar
   intersect svg path tFoo with svg path tBar

At some point.

In regards to editing the control points of a shape - then you can do 
that with polygonal points of graphics now (right click menu on a 
graphic IIRC, or you can set the 'editMode' of the graphic). We'd 
certainly look at extending the editTool so curves can also be edited in 
this way.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ mark at ~
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