iOS - adding to the Info.plist

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Thu Oct 29 18:29:44 EDT 2015

On 29/10/2015 20:18, Monte Goulding wrote:
>> On 30 Oct 2015, at 6:54 am, J. Landman Gay <jacque at> wrote:
>> Back in April, Monte submitted a pull request to allow us to provide a custom manifest for Android builds. I don't know whether that includes iOS pLists too, but if it doesn't maybe it could be added.
>> We currently have the ability to include our own pList for OS X builds. Maybe the same thing could be done for iOS.
> Yes it does now as I went back and added it for iOS too. Copy the template plist from out of LC. Edit to your heart’s content. Name it Info.plist and add it to copy files.
> Cheers
> Monte

Aha!  Superb, thanks Monte.

Is this documented anywhere, do you know?



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