What is "Open Language"?

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 14:26:43 EDT 2015

On 27/10/15 19:01, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Mark Waddingham wrote:
>> On 2015-10-26 17:36, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>>> I'm fine with whatever there's budget to provide to let folks explore
>>> novel syntax, even more so with your reminder here that Open Language
>>> is among the last of the enhancements in queue, long after being able
>>> to play a video file on Linux without crashing and other less
>>> glamorous but useful things.
>> Unfortunately, language and features are intertwined. You can't have
>> features without a way to access them, and a language with no features
>> is useless.
> Maybe my tastes are too savage, but personally I'm fine with the 
> existing syntax for player controls.

My tastes are extremely savage: I cannot see anything really wrong with 
the syntax for anything,
and don't see the need for a multiplicity of synonyms.


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