Open Language and stability

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Sun Oct 25 11:07:35 EDT 2015

I **am** looking at the output. I love LiveCode, but there is more than one version current, there are many bugs, there are many deficiencies in the documentation... What would your advice be to a fairly non-technical person plunging into the LiveCode pool today for the first time and not wanting his or her ankles nibbled off by unexpected piranhas? And for that person's chosen platform, where would you tell them to look for advice on deployment?


1 - The rest of your text belongs in the 'Open Language' discussion, IMHO.
2 - When I describe my imaginary newbie as 'non-technical', I mean not much used to programming, but almost certainly highly expert in their chosen field and looking to LiveCode as the shortest route to some necessary computational assistance.

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On 25 Oct 2015, at 15:14, hh <hh at> wrote:

>> Graham Samuel wrote:
>> The discussion about Open Language is interesting, and the idea may well be a good thing. But I for one would rather hear that for the actual development team, delivering a rock-solid version of LiveCode on all supported platforms is taking a massive priority over even thinking about this stuff. Peter Brett, can you reassure me, as a member of the use list?
> They do take priority. Look at the output. Especially PeterBrett with HTML5, where he also has to be at the top of new internet wording/language. By coding only he is not challenged ("er ist unterfordert" in german words).

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