What is "Open Language"?
richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 16:43:02 EDT 2015
On 24/10/15 23:07, Geoff Canyon wrote:
> The Wayback Machine never forgets:
> http://web.archive.org/web/20130301041400/http://blog.runrev.com/blog/bid/265511/Open-Language
> (takes
> some time to load)
Thank you very much for fossicking that out!
"The key piece of this project is a tailored parsing system that we’ve
come up with."
Has it already been "come up with" or is that some sort of anticipation?
After all, this was written some two and a half years ago, and we have
seen nothing subsequently.
"One of LiveCode’s greatest strengths is its English-like programming
The use of a natural language-like syntax gives it great expressivity
and, as a result,
in most cases code is compact yet eminently readable."
This is very well put, yet, with the expansion of LiveCode beyond the
boundaries of what we could call
the "Hypercard/Metacard" set, a lot of that English-likeness has got lost.
"Now with the problem of extensible syntax sorted"
If so, where is it, or at the very least, some signs of its approach?
Now, R. Gaskin and Co. are perfectly entitled to state that I am merrily
stating, left-right-and-centre, that RunRev
"don't care"; I don't feel that that is quite what I am doing: what I am
trying to do is state that RunRev are not
very good at keeping their user-base informed about certain things that
the company has stated will be available
post-Kickstarter, and, so far, don't seem to be. That is not a case of
not "caring", but it might be a case of
not communicating adequately.
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