LC 8 Property Inspector
richmondmathewson at
Wed Oct 14 09:06:17 EDT 2015
On 14/10/15 11:14, Mark Waddingham wrote:
> However, LC8 will be better than LC7, and subsequent LC versions will
> be better still. The more people who get involved to help us reach the
> goal of a lightweight IDE Framework, the more quickly it will happen
> and the better it will be.
That sounds a bit dogmatic.
I can imagine some people not being entirely convinced about certain
aspects of LiveCode 8: for instance, they might
feel that things have suddenly become rather unnecessarily over-complicated.
I don't really understand all that stuff about IDEs and frameworks but I
do understand why birds have wings and people don't:
Genetically there is not that much different between birds and people;
what there is in common is what we might choose
to call (at the risk of offending all sorts of people) "God's Universal
LEGO kit", or the Basic DNA set.
If one were clever enough one could have women giving birth to babies
with wings by making sure that while those babies
were developing in the womb the switches for wings were turned on, and
the switches for arms and fingers were turned off.
The fact that I have red hair and white skin, and that my best friend
has black hair and dark brown skin is a simple illustration
of this principle.
NOW: I can imagine a stack that resides in the plug-ins folder of a
LiveCode installation [lets' call it stack "X"]
that, when the end-user starts up LiveCode sets all sorts of "switches"
to suppress parts of RunRev's IDE and
activate equivalent-but-different parts developed by someone else.
In fact I made a very crude stack that bungs a button on the revMenuBar
stack and turns both the revMenuBar and the revTools
stacks black about a week ago: this could be regarded as an indication
of the direction in which IDE hacks should be moving:
AND, before you rush to thank me, don't, as that was not my clever idea
- I just implemented somebody else's clever idea.
I did understand that bit about different parts of the IDE chatting to
each other, and any set of switches
would have to take that into account. A baby with wings but no sternum
to anchor them to would die as
soon as it tried to stretch its wings.
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