function for greatest object in list less than or equal to a value

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Oct 13 10:33:52 EDT 2015

Peter TB Brett wrote:

 > On 13/10/2015 14:42, hh wrote:
 >> There is an interesting difference between LC versions 6 and 7.
 >> [a] LC 6.7.7
 >> repeat-PMB 0.326 <- fastest
 >> repeat-GC 0.350
 >> repeat-hh 0.445
 >> sort-GC 0.985
 >> [b] LC 7.1.0
 >> repeat-PMB 3.562
 >> repeat-GC 1.483 <- fastest, the only one with a factor < 9
 >> repeat-hh 1163.0 <- an ARRAY BUG? :-(
 >> sort-GC 8.156
 > There's no array bug -- it's an aspect of its intentional behaviour.
 > Appending to an element of an array always causes a copy, so you get
 > O(N^2) complexity.

Thanks for the background, Peter, but what accounts for the difference 
between version (v6 @ 0.445ms vs v7 @ 1163.0ms)?

 > Please re-test in LiveCode 8.0.0-dp-7, because there are some large
 > performance optimisations in that release that may affect these
 > results.

Being part of LiveCode Script and not specific to Builder, will these 
changes also be in v7.x?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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