
Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Mon Oct 12 14:34:57 EDT 2015

There are so many ways climate change and IP address allocation are 
different it's difficult to tell if you were just having fun, but the 
simplest and most important is this:

With climate change the number of variables in play are so vast that one 
could quite plausibly suggest it's the single most complex model humans 
have ever attempted.

But the IPv4 address range is a single integer, easily discerned by the 

People seem to enjoy debating climate change, but there's not much room 
for debating the largest value that can be expressed by a four-byte integer.

Unless there's some vast conspiracy between IANA, national leaders, 
device manufacturers, and industry analysts about the growing number of 
devices in use, any reasonable person can look at the number of devices 
and the range of possible IPv4 addresses, and quickly appreciate the 
recommendation from IANA that another larger scheme is needed, and soon.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

Bob Sneidar wrote:
> We were also advised when I was in high school that an ice age was coming, we would be out of water in ten to fifteen years, the air would be so polluted we would all be wearing gas masks, nothing would grow so we would be eating dirt etc. And while I don't deny there are real problems to consider, nothing ever is as bad as it is originally made out to be. We make the necessary adjustments to prevent our own extinction and then have a beer or two at the end of the day.
> I find myself wondering why the Tier providers can't simply move all their routers over to use IPV6 exclusively, and leave local area networks the way they are? Maybe I misunderstand, but why does *everyone and everything* have to move to IPV6?
> Bob S
> On Oct 12, 2015, at 10:24 , Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com<mailto:ambassador at fourthworld.com>> wrote:
> But as we've all been advised by IANA for more than a decade, v4 addresses are in short supply and v6 has been the recommended solution.

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