Learning Materials
William Prothero
prothero at earthednet.org
Sun Oct 11 13:34:05 EDT 2015
Thanks for the info. I think a task-driven cookbook does really need to be community developed. There are so many emails here that ask “how do I do xyz?” or “xyz won’t work… why?” Compiling these, with dates and keywords, and a user commenting facility, would go a long way toward accomplishing this. If there was a web site where users could make these contributions and a reviewer of some sort could edit them prior to inclusion in the “master cookbook”, that might work.
For me, my main frustration is getting an app onto iPhone. There is a tutorial on the livecode site, which helped me a lot. Later, after I forgot its details, I tried to make a new iOS app and got burned by the provisioning profile, which I tried to make generic, but LC wouldn’t accept a generic one. When I went back to the original tutorial, I got it working, but it took me more than a day to get there. So, I dread my next try at iOS. Also, getting an Apple certificate is another hurdle and I haven’t accomplished that yet, as I’ve been tryin got use AppWrapper 3 and it won’t work. Some kind of cookbook, that could be updated as Apple adds new hurdles and requirements, would be marvelous.
I have a “Notebook” app that has the following headings. The headings I use currently are shown below. There are sub-headings with specific code and for different applications. It is just a collection, saved from the email list over the last two years for my own use and not refined for mass distribution.
Array handling
Calling handlers, out of path hierarchy
CEF Browser
Code signing
Color-mouse-at loc
Debugger use and tricks
Detect if app is running and user is "on" it.
DNS mysteries
Drag and Drop
Email thru livecode server
Fields, text display
Files and directories
Find out if some program is running
Get Mac camera image
Get Version in iOS
Graphic effects
iOS mobile stuff
Learning materials links
Memory monitoring
Mobile Copying stacks and using them as libraries
Number precision
PHP and databases
Playing sound in SA and Mobile
Playing sounds
Product version from script
Scientific notation converter
Screen scaling issues
Server stuff
SSH Tunneling
Ssh and secure transfer
Stacks and substacks
Text Code: Parsing Delimited
Text to speech
Time Zone Info
User function names-getting them from scripts
> On Oct 10, 2015, at 12:28 PM, Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com> wrote:
> William Prothero wrote:
>> I said we need a dictionary focussed on tasks, not on commands,
>> but obviously we need both. I know Richard has been leading a
>> group taking this on. Richard, is this happening?
> The focus of an API reference like the LiveCode Dictionary will always have the language tokens as their primary index. This can (and arguably should) be augmented with tags to support searching for strings conceptually related but not found in the token itself or its description. I believe that's been put into place for the future, but regrettably not available in the current shipping product v7.
> Task-driven documentation is traditionally the domain of things like "Cookbooks". That format allows for the exploration of related concepts in a more detailed way that would be clumsy or even distracting in a Dictionary. IIRC LiveCode 1.0 had Cookbook, but I'm not sure when it was dropped.
> To answer your question about the Community Documentation Team, over the last year the core team at LiveCode Ltd. has been migrating all documentation content into Github markdown so that it can not only be more easily edited but also reviewed, merged, and compiled into the product build more easily as well.
> Peter Brett at LiveCode Ltd. has taken on the role of stewarding community engagement projects like this one, and the process of migrating the content to markdown is now far enough along that my next meeting with Dr. Brett will focus on conveying the dynamics of the workflow so we can get to work.
> The scope defined for the moment, however, is to update existing docs.
> If there's a desire for a Cookbook I would encourage the community to consider establishing a wiki for that. Indeed, there is one at wikia.com which may be a good starting point:
> <http://livecode.wikia.com/wiki/Livecode_Wiki>
> To help guide such an effort, let me ask you a question related to the CreateIt course you mentioned:
> You've been using LiveCode for many years, and have made some substantial software with it. At this point in your work, what topics would you find most valuable?
> --
> Richard Gaskin
> LiveCode Community Manager
> richard at livecode.org
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