App Browser versus Project Browser

Roger Eller roger.e.eller at
Wed Oct 7 21:38:32 EDT 2015

On Oct 7, 2015 3:02 PM, "Mark Waddingham" <mark at> wrote:
> As an indication of community division it might be useful - app
browser/project browser/indifferent.
> However, I'm not sure a poll would give us the information we need as it
is too binary.

I personally don't like either one.  I rarely open AB or PB unless I'm
having trouble visualizing where an object exists within layers and
groups.  I would prefer something like Windows 7 has when you hold the
Super-key press TAB and all the open applications appear in a angled 3D
view.  If a stack could do that, and I could scroll through the actual-size
controls in an exploded 3D view, pick and relayer or edit the script of
objects, it would feel so much more 'real' and even jarvis-like.  Bring us
a future IDE that feels like it fell out of sci-fi, not just big icons of
every object in a stack including groups.


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