What's everyone working on this month? (September 2015 edition)

Peter M. Brigham pmbrig at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 12:09:23 EDT 2015

On Oct 2, 2015, at 3:16 AM, David V Glasgow wrote:

> 3/ I would like a numbered graphic to insert in the text to match the number blobs on the screenshot.  Currently I use a numbered list, but the text doesn’t always want to follow a list format.  The alternative is to keep typing “marked ’n’ above”, which becomes a bit wearing.

While you're waiting for a more definitive fix, use this as a shortcut in your field script:

on enterinfield
   put word 4 of the selectedchunk into selChar
   put the number of words of char 1 to selChar of me into wdNbr
   if word wdNbr of me <> "n" then pass enterinfield
   put "marked '' above" into word wdNbr of me
   select after char selChar+7 of me
end enterinfield

Then to insert the phrase you want, type "n" as a separate word and hit the enterkey, then type the number you want to insert between the single quotes.

Saves typing.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at gmail.com

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